

Diet, ethnicity and the metabolic syndrome: Risk factors for South Asians (August 2013)
The South Asian population in the United Kingdom has been reported to be at high risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes. These two chronic diseases are the end result of a condition known as the metabolic syndrome. Although metabolic syndrome and its association to dietary patterns has been reported in various studies, most research has focused on Western countries and ethnic minority populations have been overlooked to a great extent. Using detailed dietary information the objective of this work was to describe the dietary patterns of South Asians and to investigate their association with metabolic syndrome risk factors. Further, the study aimed to recognize lifestyle risk factors associated to ethnicity including religion, acculturation, education level and income. Although results were in accordance with the existing literature in terms of diet composition, the examination of additional risk factors demonstrates the importance of developing public health prevention strategies tailored to the different minority ethnic groups in the UK’s heterogeneous population.





Food Lipids: Chemistry, Nutrition and Biotechnology (Dezember 2018)
Food Lipids: Chemistry, Nutrition and Biotechnology examines various processes and technologies in relation with food lipids including an extensive overview of chemistry, nutrition and biotechnology of food lipids. It includes definitions of Nomenclature of food lipids, Chemistry and Function of Phospholipids etc. Provides the reader with insights into the development of its knowledge, so as to understand the chemistry and biotechnology of food lipids processes.












Functional Foods (November 2017)
Clearly, all foods are functional, as they provide some degree of flavour, scent, or nutrient value. Within the last years, however, the term functional as it applies to food has adopted a different implication: that of providing an additional physiological benefit beyond that of meeting basic nutritional needs of energy, vitamins or minerals. Enter functional foods. As consumers worldwide become more health conscious, the demand for health-promoting foods and food components is expected to grow. The market for such foods is predicted to be quite large. Before the full market potential can be realized, however, consumers will need to be assured of the safety and efficacy of functional foods. Current and future scientific studies are expected to provide this assurance and to inspire confidence in functional foods in the minds of consumers worldwide. As the products of scientific innovation and industrial processing, functionally enhanced foods promise healthfulness but conflict with understanding held by many consumers that healthy foods are those that are the most “natural.”This book explores these conflicting ideas: that of developing new food products, and that of keeping them familiar enough to ensure acceptance and consumption. The book covers definition of key concepts, such as nutraceuticals and bioavailability. It explores the different types of functional foods, both naturally occurring and “designer foods.” Sections on key chemical components are included, as are discussions on how these compounds interact as part of different foods. Finally, sections on what functional foods represent for the consumer, health and safety issues, as well as legislation and potential risks with functional foods are covered. Several challenges exist for the vitality of the functional foods market in the years ahead. First, there are a number of scientific challenges for those attempting to unlock the food/health “equation.” How do these food components act to modify disease processes and for whom are these benefits most pronounced? The food/health equation includes a complex set of interactions that must be better understood so that new food product efficacy can be appropriately characterized. The factors contributing to disparities in individual health responses to foods need to be clarified. These include genetic variation, gender differences, individual differences in metabolism, and how bioactive phytochemicals alter the routine functions of traditional nutrients.This is a book of exploration, designed for undergraduate and graduate students with a basic understanding of sciences. With a well-rounded approach, it aims to raise points for consideration and discussion, and to challenge both supporters and antagonists of the role of functional food in health.


Probiotics and Prebiotics in Food, Nutrition and Health (November 2017)
Since approximately 2000 BC, some form of medicine has been practiced for the treatment of maladies. Beginign with the use of roots, then progressing to using prayer and potions, and, ultimately, in the 1940s, to the discovery and use of pharmaceuticals, particularly antibiotics, the use of external concoctions to aid the body in regaing and maintaining a state of health has been persued by both the lay man and the health professional. Currently, it has become apparent that most medication and alleopathic forms of medicine, although curative for many conditions, are not without risk and may have many adverse effects. This is particularly evident with the use of antibiotics, which are leading to the creation of resistant strains of bacteria that are often more deadly than those originally being treated. To counteract these effects of antibiotics, scientists have returned to natural substances, such as probiotics.Probiotics, probiotic research and probiotic foods are fast growing topics. Probiotics are living microorganisms that, when consumed, have the potential to confer a beneficial health effect. Most scientists today will agree that the microbiome plays an important physiological role for the host when it comes to bacterial interaction. Thus, dietry modifications to manipulate said interaction are being explored. In principle, there are two major strategies for influencing the microbiota: one is the use of living bacteria added to the food, which must survive the gastrointestinal tract to be active in the colon (probiotics). The second strategy is the use of dietary ingredients that are nondigestible, reach the colon, and can be used by health-promoting colonic bacteria (prebiotics). Most people today suffer from some form of diet-related health condition, including obesity, cancer, hypersensitivity, vascular diseases and degenerative ailments. The use of prebiotics as a functional food component in the diet seems to be an attractive alternative to improve the quality of life from the previously mentioned health conditions. This possibility is being explored by several clinical trails, the food industry, and large scale research project such as the Human Microbiome Project. All of these efforts are expected to revolutionize the prebiotic and probiotic world by developing specific functional properties. Health claims related to pre and probiotics include the prevention of weight gain in adolescents and improving immunity in geriatrics and infants. These functional foods are also expected to enter the dermatological sector and boost skin health, perhaps not in their food form but encapsulated. Prebiotics are also likelt to replace the antibiotics used as growth stimulants in apiary, fishery, poultry and animal husbandry. The clinical significance of both pre and probiotics remains to be clarified, the claims of efficacy proved and underlying mechanism decoded. Owing to its wide range of preventative and therapeutic possibilities prebiotic and probiotic research is certainly catching momentum.

Wissenschaftliche Artikel

  • Development of a plant-based dietry supplement to address life-cycle needs of the European female population. Nutrition and Food Technology 2018, 4(1). Garduño-Diaz SD, Milcheva R, Xu C. 
  • Investigation of Variations in the Human Urine Metabolome Amongst European Populations. An Exploratory Search for Biomarkers of People at Risk of Poverty. Molecular nutrition & food research (2018): 1800216. Trimigno A, Khakimo B, Savorani F, Tenori L, Hendrixson V, Čivilis A, Glibetic M, Gurinovic M, Pentikäinen S, Sallinen J, Garduño-Diaz SD, Pasqui F, Khokhar S, Luchinat C, Bordoni A, Capozzi F, Engelsen SB. 
  • Functional Foods. Delva Publishers 2018. Garduño-Diaz SD. 
  • Probiotics and Prebiotics in Food, Nutrition and Health. Delva Publishers 2018. Garduño-Diaz SD. 
  • The normalization of conflicts of interest in the USA and their potential impact on public health nutrition. World Nutrition 2017, 8(1) Aksnes B, Alvim M and Garduño-Diaz SD. 
  • The gut-brain connection: feeding your Brian. E Cronicon Nutrition 2016, 5.6: 965-966. Garduño-Diaz SD 
  • Traditional diets: wisdom worth preserving. E Cronicon Nutrition 2016, 4.5: 965-966. Garduño-Diaz SD 
  • Food waste reduction and low calorie diets as a step towards food security in the MENA. Insights in Nutrition and Dietetics 2016, 1:1. Garduño-Diaz SD. 
  • Development of whole-person care models in the GCC. E Cronicon Nutrition 2016, ECO 01: 01-02. Garduño-Diaz SD 
  • Nutritional recommendations for bodybuilding and Ramadan: intermittent fasting for strength training. E Cronicon Nutrition 2016, 4.2: 852-856. Garduño-Diaz SD 
  • Diet-related behavior modification following bariatric surgery. E Cronicon Nutrition 2016, 3.4: 673- 675. Garduño-Diaz SD 
  • Past, present and future: here is what we see. World Nutrition 2016, 7(1-2): 34-69. Aksnes B, Fardet A, Bhurtyal A, Castillo C, Schuftan C, Cannon G, Kent G, Sattamini I, Vivero Pol J, Alvim M, Wahlqvist M, Yambi O, Zazueta P, Patel R, Garduño-Diaz SD, Khambadkone S, Vandevijvere S, de Sa T. 
  • A step to sustenance. World Nutrition 2016, 7(1-2): 7-26. Garduño-Diaz SD. 
  • Low birth weight in Kuwait-an opportunity for nutrition interventions. E Cronicon Nutrition 2015, 3.1: 511-512. Garduño-Diaz SD 
  • Global Nutrition Report. Development as fighting for freedom. World Nutrition 2015, 6(11-12): 767-769. Aksnes B, Sattamini I, Alvim M and Garduño-Diaz SD. 
  • Sustainable? Not likely. World Nutrition 2015, 6(11-12): 872-884. Garduño-Diaz SD. 
  • Middle Eastern ethnic cuisine. E Cronicon Nutrition 2015, 2.3: 369-371. Garduño-Diaz SD 
  • Addictive behavior of dietary intake among young adults in Kuwait. E Cronicon Nutrition 2015, 2.3: 348-350. Garduño-Diaz SD and Abu-Ghazaleh H. 
  • Dietary patterns and food culture in the Middle East. E Cronicon Nutrition 2015, 2.2: 318-327. Garduño-Diaz SD. 
  • Teaching children about nutrition: development of the vegetable and fruit education activity (VFEA). Research Journal of Specific Education 2015, 38: 417-433. Husain W, Ashkanani F, Garduño-Diaz SD, and Khokhar S. 
  • Good news for shrimp eaters in the Gulf. World Nutrition 2015, 6(6): 542-543. Garduño-Diaz SD. 
  • Traditional food systems in the Middle East under threat. World Nutrition 2015, 6(2): 225-227. Garduño-Diaz SD. 
  • Food Security in the Middle East and North Africa. International Journal of Biological, Veterinary, Agricultural and Food Engineering 2015, 9(1): 47-50. Garduño-Diaz SD and Garduño-Diaz PY. 
  • Nutrition. Visions for this century. World Nutrition 2014, 5(12): 1067-1084. Yambi O, Fardet A, Garduño-Diaz SD, Patel R and Wahlqvist ML. 
  • Food supplies. Green shoots in Kuwait. World Nutrition 2014, 5(12): 1128-1130. Garduño-Diaz SD 
  • Eating habits and nutrient intake of migrant South Asians in the UK. Public Health 2014, DOI  10.1016/j.puhe.2014.07.007. Garduño-Diaz SD and Khokhar S. 
  • The Food System/NOVA. Theory and reality in the Arab world. World Nutrition 2014, 5(10): 906-908. Garduño-Diaz SD. 
  • The evolution of sports nutrition: a historical perspective and contemporary practices. International Journal of Medical and Public Health Science Research 2014, 2(2): 5-15. Garduño-Diaz SD and Garduño-Diaz PY. 
  • Climate. Nutrition. The Big Picture. World Nutrition 2014, 5(9): 797-800. Garduño-Diaz SD. 
  • Components of an obesogenic environment in Kuwait. Journal of Nutritional Therapeutics 2014, 3(2): 35-46. Garduño-Diaz SD and Garduño-Diaz PY. 
  • Meeting challenges related to the dietary assessment of ethnic minority populations. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics 2013, DOI 10.1111/jhn.12153. Garduño-Diaz SD, Husain W, Ashkanani F and Khokhar S. 
  • Diet, ethnicity and the metabolic syndrome. Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN 978-3-659-44443-2 2013. Garduño-Diaz SD. 
  • Assessment and comparison of diet quality and physical activity of African-Caribbean, South Asian and Caucasian groups in the UK. International Journal of Food Science, Nutrition and Dietetics 2013, 2:501. Garduño-Diaz SD and Khokhar S. 
  • Application of ethnic food composition data for understanding the diet and nutrition of South Asians in the UK. Food Chemistry 2013,140: 436-442. Khokhar S, Ashkanani F, Garduño-Diaz SD and Husain W. 
  • Prevalence, risk factors and complications associated with type 2 diabetes in South Asians. Diabetes Metabolism Research Reviews 2013, 28:6-24. Garduño-Diaz SD and Khokhar S. 
  • Mineral composition of commonly-consumed ethnic foods in Europe. Food & Nutrition Research 2012, 56: 17665. Khokhar S, Garduño-Diaz SD, Marletta L, Shahar DR, Ireland JD, Jansen- van der Vliet M and de Henauw S. 
  • South Asian dietary patterns and their association to metabolic syndrome risk factors. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics 2012. DOI 10.1111/j. 1365-277X.2012.01284.x. Garduño-Diaz SD and Khokhar S. 


Teilnahme an internationalen Konferenzen

Titel der PräsentationVeranstaltungTagungsortDatum
Development of a plant-based dietary supplement to address life-cycle needs of the European female population.21st Euro-Global Summit on Food and Beverages. Berlin, GermanyMarch 2018
Development of a plant-based dietary supplement to address critical micronutrient needs of women of child-bearing age in Europe.20thInternational Conference on Food Science, Food Safety Policy and Management System.Prague, Czech RepublicMarch 2018
Nutrition for the elderlyMexican Association for Education and DevelopmentCuernavaca, MexicoJuly 2017
University life and food: feed your brainIntra University Awareness Tour for GUST, ACK, and BoxHill UniversitiesMishref, KuwaitOktober 2016
Sports NutritionThe Public Authority for Sports’ Sports Nutrition Conference Khaldiya, KuwaitSeptember 2016
Mapping the food culture of the Middle East through dietary patternsSecond Kuwait International Conference on Life SciencesShuwaikh, KuwaitApril 2016
Factors that determine an obesogenic environment in KuwaitSprecher beim Kuwait Institute for Scientific ResearchKuwait City, KuwaitSeptember 2015
Food Security in the Middle East and North AfricaICFSN 2015 : International Conference on Food Security and NutritionIstanbul, TürkeiJanuar 2015
Components of an Obesogenic Environment in Kuwait3rd World Congress of Public Health NutritionLas Palmas, SpanienNovember 2014
Ordering food online: the habits of Kuwait’s residents20thInternational Congress of NutritionGranada, SpanienSeptember 2013
Nutrient intake assessment of migrant populations using country of origin vs. host country recommendations: implications for public health policies4th Conference on Migrant and Ethnic Minority Health in EuropeMailand, ItalienJuni 2012
Consumption of ethnic foods in Europe6th Central European Congress on FoodNovi Sad, SerbienMai 2012
The impact of micronutrients on cardiovascular disease risk4 ème édition de la Journée Scientifique de Nutrition de Sup’SantéCasablanca, MarokkoMai 2012
L’évolution des recommandations en nutritionSprecher, Ecole Supérieure Privée de Nutrition et du ParamédicalCasablanca, MarokkoOktober 2011
Dietary implications for healthMathematics and Physical Sciences Post-Graduate Researcher of the Year ConferenceLeeds, GroßbritannienOktober 2011
South Asian dietary patterns identified using ethnic food composition data 9thInternational Food Data ConferenceNorwich, GroßbritannienSeptember 2011
Length of residency and non-communicable diseases in the UK’s South Asian community: obesity, diabetes and heart disease2ndInternational Congress of Abdominal ObesityBuenos Aires, ArgentinienFebruar 2011
The impact of diet on health1st Leeds Post Graduate Research ConferenceLeeds, GroßbritannienNovember 2010
Diet quality and physical activity index: comparison between ethnic groups in the UKMeeting for the India Partnering Award BBSRCMysore, IndienOktober 2010
Nutrition transition in the UK: the case of South AsiansII World Congress of Public Health Nutrition and I Latin American Congress of Community Nutrition.Oporto, PortugalSeptember 2010
Fruit and vegetable consumption among British Indians in the UKEGEA VI ConferenceBrüssel, BelgienJune 2010